Jungle Jabbah / Mohammed Jabbateh

Mohammed Jabbateh a.k.a. Jungle Jabbah was a high-ranking officer of ULIMO-K. He was arrested in Philadelphia in April 2016, put on trial, found guilty, and in 2018 sentenced  to 30 years in prison. The sentence was upheld in September 2020. 

The Jungle Jabbah Case: An Overview
French version: Le cas Mohammed Jabbateh
Source: Civitas Maxima

Jungle Jabbah: Maximum Sentence Confirmed
September 8, 2020

Delco War Criminal ‘Jungle Jabbah’ Sentenced to 30 years in prison 
April 19, 2018 

Liberian warlord ‘Jungle Jabbah’ sentenced to 30 years in prison is milestone for global justice – Statement by Civita Maxima and the GJRP, Global Justice and Research Project 
April 19, 2018
Trial of Pennsylvania Resident and Alleged Liberian War Criminal Jabbateh “Jungle Jabbah” Set to Begin in Philadelphia 
October 2, 2017 

Feds: Liberian War Criminal Mohammed Jabbateh Arrested in Philadelphia
April 13, 2016